Wednesday, June 24

Where do I begin?

I am unhappy. I am lost... in my thoughts, my memories, the expectations I had for myself. I'm lost in my life. I want to find myself. I want to know who I am and what I enjoy doing. Not what I pretend to enjoy or what I feel I have to enjoy for everyone else. I have spent my life trying to make everyone around me happy. Thinking that if I made them feel good and did what they wanted they would like me and look past all my flaws. I'm fake. Not only to everyone around me but to myself.

Well, hear me roar! I am ready. I want so deeply to find myself. To know myself intimately. To have a voice, and to be heard. I am worth listening to. Even if what I say is sometimes jumbled. I'm going to dip my toes into the many puddles of life, and if one is interesting I will jump in with both feet and splash others around me so they can enjoy life with me. I want to be full of happiness, laughter, and love...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Me! I've been doing a whole lot of this lately. Trying on different skins to see which one fits. This whole becoming someone new business is confusing and scary and fun. We can do it together if you like. Its gonna be work.