Tuesday, October 19


Talk about Weird ackward feeling... Today I started a sprint class, EDL110. It is located in Jonston Hall on the second floor, and I've never been to the second floor so I was scared to go up there. I went up the stairs found my classroom and went in. My prof was already there writting on the board, and I was the only student. I was about 10 mins early, so he introduced himself and we talked. I finally looked at my clock and it was 10:05 and the class started at ten. I started to feel very ackward as if I was in the wrong class. He stood up and took attendance, which was a joke because I was the only one there. Then he started lecturing as if the class was full of people. Weird man. After he went throught the syllubus he informed me that many students don't come to the first class. Then he started asking me where I graduated, where I was from, my views on teens driving, having cells, working, credit cards, my favorite movie, my least favorite movie, the largest city I had been to, and my major. We talked for 45mins about me. I usually don't like to talk about me to strangers, but the more we talked the more I told him.

If you go to MUM you might know who my teacher is. I don't remember his name, but he is a black guy, with a good personality, loud spoken, and is very friendly.

Can you imagine being the only one in a class? What fun!

Yesterday I got to see a picture of Kaitlynn Anne. She is adorable. If you want to see a picture of her go to this blog.

Well got to go. Have to work. Die another day

Saturday, October 16



Today I'm helping my mom clean and cook for my sister b-day party. My mom is always so serious about her cooking and cleaning. If people are coming over to our house it has to be clean, she is afraid that people are going to think she is a dirty person. That is a valid reason to clean, but my mom takes it way to serious! My mother is a very self conscious person and sometimes it takes me to my limits.

Today I slept in and went to Tim Horton's with Sarah. It was fun.

I'm so excited because next week I have Friday and Saturday off. That is awesome! But I'm sure I will have to make up for it in next weeks hours:(

Well I better get cleaning before my mom goes all psycho on me! Hugs and Kisses to the few I would hug and...

Friday, October 15


There are some days I believe my mom is out to get me, and there are thsoe few but memorable days when we have fun.

Today I was proud of myself, because I got up and cleaned my room and did laundry. I thought my mom would get mad if I just slept all day and didn't clean.
I got laundry from everyones room and washed everyones clothes(usually I just clean my clothes), so I thought I would be praised by my mom. but no

When I got home from work the first thing she said to me was you could have at least done some laundry! I was so confused. I told her that I did threee loads and did't have time to do anymore! I was so mad but anyways I'm going to go celebrate with Joanie so I'm done complaining!


Tomarrow I don't have class!! I still have to work, but I get off at six and I'm going to spend the night with Joanie. I get to see Sarah and Elisabeth too.

I got my midterm grades today they are ok, A's B's and a C. I was so upset about my C in PSY. We only had one grade and I got a C.

Well I'm going to go now... I really didn't say much! Until again!

Monday, October 11

Hi! My Math class was canceled today and I came to the computer lab until my next class. I decided to write because I haven't in a while.

I have never told you what the name of my blog means. When I was a little girl I would always go driving around with my dad. We would just drive around for hours looking at his job sites or at new houses (this helped him get new ideas for a house he wanted to build). But anyways... He would always say "right on red unless your dead" when we where going to turn right. I always thought it was funny. I picked that name because it is random and it brings back good memories.

So I didn't know this but Friday and Saturday is our Fall break and we don't have class. That's awesome!! But anyways Sarah if you don't have to work then we can do something on Friday or Saturday. I get off at 6(I think) and I don't work on Saturday! Maybe we can go to the movies or to the haunted trail??

Well it's about time for my class to start, so I'm going to go now! Until next time!