Tuesday, October 19


Talk about Weird ackward feeling... Today I started a sprint class, EDL110. It is located in Jonston Hall on the second floor, and I've never been to the second floor so I was scared to go up there. I went up the stairs found my classroom and went in. My prof was already there writting on the board, and I was the only student. I was about 10 mins early, so he introduced himself and we talked. I finally looked at my clock and it was 10:05 and the class started at ten. I started to feel very ackward as if I was in the wrong class. He stood up and took attendance, which was a joke because I was the only one there. Then he started lecturing as if the class was full of people. Weird man. After he went throught the syllubus he informed me that many students don't come to the first class. Then he started asking me where I graduated, where I was from, my views on teens driving, having cells, working, credit cards, my favorite movie, my least favorite movie, the largest city I had been to, and my major. We talked for 45mins about me. I usually don't like to talk about me to strangers, but the more we talked the more I told him.

If you go to MUM you might know who my teacher is. I don't remember his name, but he is a black guy, with a good personality, loud spoken, and is very friendly.

Can you imagine being the only one in a class? What fun!

Yesterday I got to see a picture of Kaitlynn Anne. She is adorable. If you want to see a picture of her go to this blog.

Well got to go. Have to work. Die another day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, thats so awesome. Hey, you linked to my blog! Thanks so much! And. . . thats all I haveta say.