Thursday, January 20


I'm not a firm believer in cleaning my room; making my bed everyday, putting dirty clothes in the hamper, or putting things up as I get them out just doesn't appeal to me. The mess just grows bigger and bigger. I usually clean after my mom sees the mess and threatens me. Most of the time she says, "I'm going to make you pay rent" or "Didn't I raise you better... I remember when your room was the cleanest of anyones." My mom only comes downstairs once every two weeks, so you can just imagine how big of a mess I have to clean up. My closet is usually bare (most of my clothes are dirty laying on the floor), I cannot find anything under the clutter of papers on my desk, and my dresser is usually covered in dust ( for some reason the basement is very dusty). I know your asking yourself how someone could live in this condition. Well it is very easy after you have lived in these conditions for at least two months and you have become use to it.

Well the reason I'm telling this to you is because I had to clean this mess today. I spent nearly three hours in my bedroom cleaning. I even went to the lengths of cleaning out my "junk" drawer and to clean out my closet. If I haden't used it in the past two months I threw it away (mostly lotions and candles). I'm very happy with myself and the outcome of my room.

I promise this time I will keep it clean... haha! yeah right!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

*looks around the room* I suppose that means its my turn. . .