Monday, May 22

What else can I say?

I haven't written in a while. I want to write but I am not sure what to write or I suppose I'm not sure of how to go about writing what I am truly feeling.

I check on my blog often. I come to visit and re-read things I wrote in my past, I check to see if I have comments, but most of the time I stare at the screen wanting so badly to spill my secrets and deep feelings. I never do.

Sometimes I check on my blog to see if anything new has been written, not necessarily comments but posts. I know there will be nothing but I check often... daily. Weird...Well, I know I am...

Lately, I have been disappointed in people. It's not necessarily their fault either. I just don't feel like I have the support I want and need. I always try to support people. And if I believe they are doing the wrong thing I try to give my input. I always welcome input. I may not listen or may get a little mad at first but in the end I always appreciate it. Mostly because people think differently, they may see a possible outcome that you did not. If they support what you are doing then they can make you feel more comfortable about your decisions. I suppose that's why I'm disappointed because I don't feel comfortable.

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