Tuesday, May 30


This weekend was a really long one. Lauren's graduation party was this weekend, so I helped my parents prepare for the party. I had lots of fun. I played three games of volleyball, played in the pool, and talked to my family. I ended up getting sun burned. It's not an oww that hurts burn, but rather a hah I will be tan in a few days kind of burn.

This week I only have to work today. It's going to be a long day. I hope too many people aren't calling me on the phone and cussing at me. Great the phone is ringing... Regina my boss answered, so far so good.

My dad made an offer on 30+ acres of land last week. He is supposed to be contacted this week to see if we get it or not. The land is so pretty. There is a stream that cuts through the front, we will have to build a bridge to get across. There is enough room for a pond and to ride our four wheelers. My dad said that if he got the land he would sell his Harley. "They are too dangerous. I don't want to get killed right in the middle of a big change and leave your mother alone to handle it." I thought it was cute...

Well I better get back to work. Not that there is a lot to do.

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