Friday, January 27

Shhh... I'm at work

Today has been a fun day. I finished up my Science project because I thought we had until Wednesday to present but my prof switched our day to Monday. We had to make a powerpoint and I like those. There are so many different things to do with the slides.

I'm too negative. I always think about the negative first. When planning ahead the negative is easier for me to see and the positive doesn't dawn on me until after the fact. I suppose once I have experienced *anything that sounds interesting* I am more willing to see the good that came out of it. I've been trying to change, but it's hard. Everyone around me is negative...well most people (you not included).

In the past couple of years I didn't see my dad very often, but lately I have been enjoying his company more. My brother, my dad and I have started playing pool everynight. It is fun. I love hearing my dad's stories he always has someone to make fun of. I really am bad at pool, I can only get better so what's there to lose?

For my blog I'm going to start writing a series story. Every week or so I'm going to add to my story. It will be interesting to see where it goes.

Well I only have 10 minutes until I go home, so toot-a-loo until next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*is excited about the prospect of a story*