Friday, April 28

Ramblings of a bored student worker


I got my work schedule for the next few weeks and I have less hours, but that doesn't bother me any.

I keep getting the hic-ups.

I'm so bored right now! Stuck at work with nothing to do... Well I could be studying but we know that's not going to happen. I'm so bored I'm sleepy! I want a raspberry white chocolate mocha!

It's funny how you can't tell how much time has passed for me by reading this. I was just on the phone for 7m and 39s with a student who told me her life story and how she hated her aerobics professor and how she needed to talk to someone to get her prof in trouble. grr... The name Students Services is just a big advertisement to students wanting any type of service. We should rename our office "can't find that here" or "that's upstairs".

Ok I'm done rambling! I have no more energy to ramble or I would keep going.

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