Friday, December 23

Spiraled Crap on a Stick Fried

There aren't very many instances that I have to brag about me or to have my family brag about me, and when I finally have a great reason to look for adornment there is none. This semester I received a 3.70 GPA; I had the final grades of 3-A's and 1-B. Not even in High School, or ever, did I get these kind of grades. I was ecstatic! I finally got to brag about my good grades, instead of Lauren taking all the glory.

When I first learned of my good grades everyone was sleeping, so I printed a sheet off, wrote a note to my mom, and laid it across her purse so she couldn't miss it. The next morning I woke up for work and as I was leaving I saw the note and there was no response. I was slightly upset, so on my home from work I called my mom and she said she had seen it and she was happy for me. She did congratulate me but, according to me, not enough. I was way more excited than she was. She had always wanted me to get good grades, and now that I had finally done it she wasn't that excited. And above all I had received my good grades at college level! Out of my whole family Lauren was the most excited for me, and she even offered to take me shopping and to buy me lunch. If it wasn't for her...

Today has been a sucky day! I got up at 9:30 to help my mom clean and cook, but the day didn't turn out that way. My mom defiantly turns psycho around kids and yet she wants to get another one. Whatever!

I was told yesterday to do laundry, so when I got home from work that's what I did. In all I washed, dried, and folded three loads of laundry, and there were still two left to do. In my mothers eyes I did nothing because the laundry wasn't completely finished, so today I woke up to start the rest of the laundry, but that wasn't good enough because Lauren had been up since 8:30 cleaning the whole upstairs. Lauren is always better at everything. She is my mother's perfect child and in return Lauren is able to do whatever she wants.

I'm not the child that sneaks people into the house at 1:00 AM to drink and play pool, I'm not the child that is so dependent on my parents that they have to by my gas and support my weekly "fun time", and I'm most certainly not the child that smokes pot and sneaks friends over to the camp fire to drink and vandalize other peoples properties. And I'm also not the child that is the favorite, and in order to be the favorite I guess I will have to start smoking pot, drinking on a regular basis, and mooching money from everyone that has the breath of life. I'm not perfect but I do deserve more than what has been dealt.

Right now I'm at the lowest I've ever been! And I wish it would end!

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