Monday, September 19

Ramblings while at School

I'm at school right now. :( I've been here since 8:00 AM and I wont be leaving until around 8:00 PM. I had class from 8:30 until 12:15. I presented a group presentation (well it was suppose to be a group project but I did 85% of it myself) and I did really well. Thanks Sarah! But right now I'm in the library waiting to meet with my EDL 204 group, and while I've been waiting I have been catching up on my homework.

I want to go to the Haunted Trail do you want to go this weekend or next?

Yum I want Chinese food and a Rasberry White Chocolate Mocha; not necessarily together but sometime.

I'm looking forward to this week of tv; Lost, Survivor, and CSI


Unknown said...

Sure, haunted trail sounds great. Do you think we could go to the coffee shop again? Like, we could see the 8 show then go to the trail. . . or something?

Ash said...

Sounds great to me! You get to do something you want and then I get to do something I want!