Tuesday, September 27

"Hasheee? Poop!" beautiful words from a one year old

Oh My God! Monday was a normal early day. I got up early to go to lab. When I got to my classroom I sat down and reached into my backpack to get my lab manual, but before I could get my book out I looked down at the strap of my bag and there was a HUGE spider. This was the biggest spider I have ever seen! At least a 2 inch diameter! I freaked out!! I stood up really fast and then it started moving. Thank the lord for my very brave lab partner, Suzie, because she got a cup and took it outside. That was one lucky spider because if it were my choice I would have killed it! ugghhh *shivering and checking floor around me* The thing that freaks me out is that I had that bag around me and that spider was on it.

Saturday I'm going clubbing. Misty and some of my other friends are going to Celebrity and Masque; These are gay clubs (her cousin is gay so he is taking us). I'm kinda nervous, but she reassured me that I would have a blast. She said that there are a lot of people that dress in drag, and I would laugh my butt off at some of the outfits. She also said that towards the end of the night they don't care who they kiss (XY or XX), so I have to be on alert!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Umm, good luck?