Friday, October 21

I'm soo Bored!

What a time! I've been so bored lately that I decided to go with Misty and her mother to Kentucky so they can buy cheap cigs. This is against my better judgement, because all they do is argue back and forth the whole time they are around each other. At least I'm getting out of the house.

I want to go see the new movie The Fog. It has Smallville hottie Tom Welling in it. The critics rated it as a D+ so I guess I wait until it comes to video or to the dollar theater. He is just so hott and He used to be a model so...yeah.

There's 28 days until Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes to theaters. yayness!

I rebooted my computer last night. Now I don't know how to get the internet back on it, so if you have any suggestions. I think I'm thinking too hard about it. I was the one who did it in the first place, but when I put the wireless internet chip into my computer a ballon poped up saying " found new hardware", so that was easy.

Last night I dremt that I was a fairy. A whole bunch of my fairy friends and I were walking through a beautiful garden with hugh flowers. We decided to have a party. We were all dancing and laughing when all of a sudden a dragon on top of this mountain got mad. He started to breathe fire at us, but the fire didn't burn it tickled. The flames then turned into the flowers and we were all happy, even the dragon because we invited him to play with us. That's all he wanted in the first place because everyone thinks he is big and scary, so he has no friends.

What did you dream? Can you remember?

Well I'm going to go full around with my computer and get it back the way I want it. hopefully I can figure out the internet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, I dont know about your internet. . . I don't remember what I dreamed but I know I was trying to do something and when I woke up I was still trying to do it and then I couldnt figure out why. Oh well.

Sarah Jo