Monday, October 31

Pot heads suck!

Hey! I haven't posted in a while, well that's because Misty seems to think that I need to spend all of my free time with her, and frankly I am tired of it. I have spent to much time with her and I'm done for a very long time, so in the chance that Misty calls you and is wondering were I'm at tell her that I'm swamped with homework and projects!

I had fun at the Halloween party, but we left early because some punk kid brought pot, and then he left and came back with more stuff. I'm not sure what but I think they had zany bars, cocaine, and alcohol. I spent so much time, money, and energy into that party then I had to leave at 9:00 because of punks.

I really miss you! we need to get together this week or weekend!

I'm hungry! Hey I still have those graham cracker things you gave me; I bet they are really stale! hehe:)

Well I'm at school and I need to get to class, so I will tak to ya later! Love ya

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