Friday, October 7

Questions and no answers

Do you suppose the people that make pop-up ads have pop up blockers? If they did then they wouldn't see their own advertisements, and if they don't want to see them then what makes them think we do!

What happens to dirty toilet water? Do we end up drinking it again?

I opened up all the windows in my house and I'm laying naked in the cold air...haha I'm just kidding, but why did I open all the windows? Was it to refresh the house or is it because I'm an idiot?

Some say everything you've ever spoken is still surrounding you, just not audible, so when you suddenly think of a past event is it the voices hitting against you?

How come I can learn the words to hundreds of songs but not remember information for a test?

Did you know that Alaska is the biggest state; It takes up all of Wisconsin, Illinois, Montana, Kansas, Iowa, and some of N Dakota, S Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee. And I bet its mostly ice!

Why is it that there are waiting list for hybrid cars? Is there a gas and oil conspiracy?

Well if you know any of these answers fell free to comment. I bet my dad would know the answers, why is it that dads always seem to know the answers to useless information?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Got no diamonds. Got no pearls. Still I think Im a lucky girl! I've got the sun in the mornin and the moon at night!

Okay, so I've got pearls. . .