Friday, October 14

I have a werid feeling about this, but I always do!

This morning at 8:00 AM I was supposed to take my car and get a recall fixed, but I didn't. I don't know why the Chevy dealership wanted me to bring it at 8:00, probabley because they have nothing else to do that early in the morning. I guess they thought I was crazy.

I know this is very gross and you don't want to hear about it but i'm still going to tell you. Everyday, for the past two weeks, I have been waking up with BLACK boogers and Black loogies. I'm kinda scared because I have mold in my room ( the dryer vent rusted through and is leaking on my ceiling which caused a black and brown mold to grow). My dad has been trying to fix it for months but ever finds the time. I don't know anything about mold "poisioning" so I'm not sure if thats the reason for my black "problem". I guess I'll have to check that out.

Well today you are going to see Ashley! I hope you have a great time and stay safe. I'm jealous you get to take a roadtrip without me. We will have to plan a weekend vacation this summer when we don't have any classes! Well talk at ya later.

toot-toot chica-chica toot-toot

Love ya :)

Ashley Nicole


Unknown said...

Hey, that happened to me like everyday in china. . . anyway. Yes, roadtrip definately. But where ever to? And we have to pick a date, like now, so we cant just say "some day next summer" Okay?

Sarah Jo

Ash said...

That sounds great to me, but it will be fun deciding where to go. I have a big map that we can look at and we can get on the internet.